Vegetation of Kamchatka

Vegetation of Kamchatka

Vegetation of Kamchatka

Diversity of vegetation in Kamchatka is envisaged by geographic position of the territory, influence of moist monsoon climate, mountain relief, landscapes, volcanism and accompanying phenomena and processes. Kamchatka forests look neither like Siberian taiga nor like forests of the European part of Russia. They make an absolutely independent type of vegetation where stone birth tree forests prevails.   

Coniferous forests which in ancient geological epochs covered the major part of Kamchatka were greatly exterminated at the ice period and preserved now n in central Kamchatka lowland. Also as an example of addition to coniferous forests there grow aspens, white-trunked birth tree, etc. On the eastern coast   near Semyachik river there is a small forest of Sakhalin fir –tree.

More various the forest in the lowlands, such as alder trees, poplar trees, etc. In the bush forests   there are cedar, honey-suckle, dog rose, etc.

On the mountain slopes in the subalpine zone prevail cedar and alder and also low bushes.

One of the character for Kamchatka vegetation communities high grasses, sometimes about 3 m.

In general in the vegetation of Kamchatka prevails timber and bush vegetation, its portion is about 68% in the whole territory of Kamchatka.   25%   is occupied by swamps and tundra. Mountain deserts and glaciers takes 7%.

By latest evidence flora of Kamchatka has 89 families, 411 groups and 1170 types and sub-types. There is a small group of endemics - plants which grom only in Kamchatka.

Some Kamchatka plants because of their rarity are include into “Red book” of Russian Feredation.

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