Population of Kamchatka

Population of Kamchatka

Population of Kamchatka

Nowadays Kamchatka is one of less populated territories of our country. Average density of the population very low – 1 person per 1,6 sq. km. Total population is about 310 ths. people, 180 ths. live in the city of Petropalovsk-Kamchatsky and also in Yelizovo, Klyuchi, etc.

Much of the population live in the valleys of Avacha and Kamchatka rivers.

The rest part lives mostly on the coasts because nature conditions are favorable there and main economy of the region is fishing.

Before 1986 the growth of population was good because of migration from other regions of   Russia. But for the last years the back migration began and ny only one year – 1993 it decreased for 15 ths. people.

Kamchatka is connected with other regions by air. It takes 8 hours of flight to Moscow, 2 hours and half to Khabarovsk. Low developed roads’ net makes possible bus connection with Ust-Bolsheretsk settlement, Milkovo, Esso and also to deliver cargoes to Ust-Kamchatsk and Klyuchi by winter road.

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