There are about 14 100 rivers and streams in Kamchatka, most of them have the length up to 10 km and only 105 – more then 100 km. The biggest among them are Kamchatka river (758 km) and Penzhina river (713 km). Is spite of not big length the rivers of Kamchatka are full of water. Because of rapid stream and lack of frozen ground almost all rivers are partially or full open in winter.
There are more than 100 ths. big and small lakes in Kamchatka. Many of them are of sea origin – lagoons. Nerpichye is the biggest lake in Kamchatka. In the Middle ridge there are many glacier lakes.
Very beautiful lakes - Kronotskoye and Kurilskoye are situated in the volcanic zones of Eastern Kamchatka. Opening of the lakes start at the end of May – beginning of June , and full recovering from ice happens in the middle of July. Kurilskoye lake freezes rarely.