Geographic position of Kamchatka

Geographic position of Kamchatka

Geographic position of Kamchatka

Kamchatka region is situated on the most north-east of Russia and occupies the territory of 472,3 ths. sq. km. It included the Kamchatka peninsula and Komandorskiye islands.

Northern point of the region is situated almost near the Northern Polar circle.

Summer is short here and winter is long with 40 degrees of frosts and northern lights. Southern part – Lopatka cape with rocks, the place of emerge of the waters of the Okhotskoye sea and the Pacific ocean. In the strain is normally   gloomy weather, strong long winds are very often, vegetation in rare.

Western coast has an even shore line. Eastern coast has a more complicated relief. Such peninsulas   as Kronotsky, Kamchatsky, Ozernoy, Shipunsky cape are on the north. Near Beringov sea – capes of Ilpyr and Ilynsky, Between there situated bio gulfs – Avachinsky, Kronotsky, Kamchatsky, Ozernoy, Korfa.

Near the eastern coast there situated Karaginsky island separated from Kamchatka by Litke strait and Komandorsky archipelago.

Northern part of the peninsula is occupied by Koryaksky okrug with the territory of 305,5 ths. sq. km. It includes 4 districts – Tigilsky, Karaginsky, Penzhinsky and Olyutorsky. Here live Koryak, Russian, Chukcha, Itelmen, Even people. On the territory of the okrug, together with mountain relief   with altitudes up to 2500 m, there prevails tundra and forest-tundra. The main branches of economy are fishing, rein deer breeding, hunting. Mining of brown coal for the local needs. Traditional national trades as fur, leather and bone processing. Administrative center is Palana settlement,

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